Saturday, June 27, 2009

Living off the land..and gaining

Last year after moving into our new house we were thrilled to see many black cap bushes just starting to produce berries. I had recently become unemployed and had discovered a love of baking. When the berries started to ripen I picked feverishly, devising ways to use them as I went. Who would have known that just a few bushes could produce so much fruit? Everyday I got container after container! I started out using them in a simple berry/rhubarb pie..then I tried muffins, then bread, then cobbler, then bars..I seemed to possess and uncanny ability to take something very healthy and turn it into calories. I think Kendrick gained ten pounds over the summer eating my desserts. I take full credit for his increasing belt size. I have no self control when it comes to pleasing his taste buds. If I so much as saw him blink at a sweet I was off to the kitchen making it and then spooning it into his mouth.
Berries are back. Just a handful to start, but its beginning none the less. I am off to find some new berry dessert recipes....and purchase some larger pants.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Telling it like it is

I was driving the other day and saw a new second hand shop that popped up on a main drag and thought, FINALLY! A store that advertizes exactly what it is! I don't advocate stealing and selling stolen merchandise, but the person that owns this store deserves an award for honesty. My hats off to you Mr. Stealz n' Dealz!