Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Facebook Friends

Some of you, I have met and have known for years. Some of you, I've yet to meet in person. And some of you, I will only ever get to interact with you on social media. No matter what our status is in regards to having met in person, I have come to enjoy your presence, however big or small it is, in my life.

Facebook is so many different things to people.

For me, it is an fountain of creativity...whether yours or mine. It is a way to express ourselves as we wish. It's a way to share our happiest and sometimes saddest moments in our lives. It's a network unmatched by any other social media.

Of course, that comes with it's own possible problems..but everything in life is that way. There is always the good and bad.

I'm choosing to focus on the good.

And the good is all of you. The people that make me laugh. The people that inspire me to do better. The people that stand in their truth and own their words. People that post thought provoking things. People that challenge my own thinking. People that share their families and lives with me because their pride in them is so strong.

All of you make social media what it is meant to be..for me anyways.

What you don't get to see is me scrolling through my feed and feeling so many feelings as I do. Stopping to think. Stopping to laugh hard. Taking a second to cry for someone who is in pain. Sharing a moment of joy that something happy or momentous has happened in your life. You don't see that the empathic part of me feels connected to a group of positive and creative people..and I need that. I crave it.

So this is not a post about how I'm 'cleaning out my friends list' or 'if you don't respond, I'll think you don't care.'

This is just me, saying thank you for being you and sharing parts of you with me.

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